Programs: The Twos


An explosion of language, curiosity, and independence occurs as children in this age range enter the preoperational stage of development.  Our Two-Year-Old Program meets the dynamic needs of the children by providing an environment that allows for the continuation of our developmental continuum and Frog Street.  Focus is on enhancing language acquisition and use of words, self-assurance, motor skills, and creativity through large and small group activities and centers. 

This is an age when many children are ready to begin toilet training. When the time is right, our two-year-old teachers will work with the child’s family to provide consistency in this process.

Age Range/How long stay in class

Age Range: 

Must be two years old on or before September 1 of the current school year.

Young Twos: 

Children have a May, June, July, or August birth date.

Middle Twos: 

Children have a January, February, March, April birth date.

Older Twos:

Children have September, October, November, or December birth date.  

Students start in the Twos at the beginning of the school year and remain in the Twos until the end of summer (even though they turn three during this time). 

We focus on potty-training in the Twos when both the child and the family are ready to begin.  

This is the first age group that parents will not receive daily updates on diaper changes, length of naps, or what they ate at snack or lunch.   However, you will receive photos and updates through our parent app. 

Specials Include: Motor Development, Music and Zumbini




Examples of Activities

Sample What’s Happening