Enrollment: Current Family School Year

Please read instructions before you begin enrollment


School Year

If your child is attending the 2024/2025 School year, please follow the instructions below.  

Download Adobe PDF Reader DC by clicking on the button below. This will allow you to fill out the enrollment forms on the computer (and save them if you want to) easily.  


Be sure to read through the updated Parent Handbook (download below).  

New Siblings

If you are enrolling a new sibling in the school year, there will be a $50 New Student Fee (unless you already have two students enrolled). 


If you are expecting a baby and wish to secure a space, please turn in the first page of the enrollment packet with the expected start date. This page and the registration fee will hold a space for your infant. The entire packet must be filled out before your child’s first day of school.  

Age Group (Twos Through Towne Creek Kindergarten)

Your child must be the age of the class on or before September 1, 2024.  


Please note that not all school closures will be included in your monthly tuition for the 2024/2025 school year. FBISD has added even more school closures for the upcoming school year. Rather than raising our monthly rate, we will be charging $30 for the additional days. If you sign your child up for Holidays Only, meaning your child only attends on school holidays, you will fill out the entire School Year Enrollment Packet (no All About Me) and turn it in. On the days your child attends Towne Creek, you will be charged a $95 drop-in rate.  


An updated Medical Information form (page 8) and a Food Allergy Plan (if your child has a food allergy) will be needed prior to July 1, 2024. If your child has received any updated immunizations, (not afterschool) we will need a new copy on file. All children turning 4 must have a vision and hearing check completed within 30 days of their 4th birthday. Towne Creek must have the results of that check on file within a month of your child’s birthday. All these forms must be on file prior to your child’s first day of the 2024/2025 school year. These can be faxed to 281-261-7846.  

Tuition & Registration Rates (Starting September 1, 2024)

You can choose to pay up front for the full school year and receive a 3% discount or pay monthly or semi-monthly. Infant and Toddler registration fee covers a 12-month period. Twos through Towne Creek Kindergarten registration fee covers the school year. All School Year fees are due by April 26, 2024, to secure your child’s space. If paid by March 22, 2024, you will receive a $25 fall registration fee discount per child.  


After completing your enrollment packet, please print and sign at the bottom of pages 7 and 10. Turn everything into the front office by March 1, to secure your child(ren’s) space for the upcoming sessions